Boar / Horse type I. Ar Unit. Boar right, curly
tail, ‘spear’ in shoulder, ring and pellet motifs above and behind,
various symbols around. ® Realistic horse left with ring and pellet
motifs above and below. 1.2g. Spink # 396.
Boar Horse type III
WC 9949
Boar Horse type III. Ar Unit. Blank. ® Horse right
ring of pellets above. 1.1g. Spink # 398.
WC 4184
Boar Horse type III. Ar Unit. Blank. ® Horse right
ring of pellets above and single pellet below tail. 1.2g. Spink # 398.
WC 9950
Boar / Horse type III. Ar Half Unit. Blank. ® Horse
right, ring of pellets above, various pellets around. 0.5g. Spink # 400.